Page name: Undead Zoo!Npcs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-19 01:39:57
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Yay!! for NPCS!!

Vampire S
She rarely shows any expression and never seems impressed. Despite this she was a major contributor to the Blood Games and is considered an Aristocrat of the non-human underground.
She is an associate of Fern, but even Fern fears her. Where Fern is dramatic and manipulative and seems to put on a show for the people around her--the Ringleader of sorts--Nova is more of the spectator you can't afford to dissapoint, or--to quote--"There will be consequences."

1. Betty!: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358643150.jpg>

2. Mark(a.k.a Frens brother): <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1358657417.jpg>

3. Clerk twins(Meko & Maniko): <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673221.jpg>

4. Graham:HAS BECAME A CHARACTER =3!! Soooo this slot is now...Vic:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1366266598.jpg>

5. Brandon (a.k.a Graham's widdle brodder):<img:stuff/aj/190343/1365710416.gif>





6. Edda the cook:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1359162426.jpg>

7. Lilly:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1375144481.jpg>

8. Koby:<img:stuff/aj/189486/1360288592.0 >

9. Iris:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1360289126.jpg>

10.Kyo and Kimi:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1361929048.jpg>

11.Soron.Yue's lab co-worker:<img:stuff/aj/190343/1362183955.jpg>


13.Real name unknown goes by Chaos:

Chaos appears as a little cat boy and loves to cause mischief. It is uncertain what his nature is truly like due to constantly acting different. If questioned about his past or who he is he tends to change the subject. He appears to be about ten.

14. Edgar (Novas servant boy):<img:stuff/aj/190343/1376805254.jpg>

theme:All that sh-- is gone. By Carolina Liar

15. Arthur (one of Luki's men)

16. Isaac~!:<img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1380770479.jpg>

17. Crazy bird: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673276.png>

18. Fox (Elden): <img:stuff/aj/190343/1358673315.jpg>

19. Clair and Caleb; Gabriel and Logan's parents.<img300*0:>

20. Ciel's parents...they'll get names later.:<img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1362184107.jpg>

21. Sarah, Zane's mother. <img300*0:>

23. Shizu, the girl Zane loves.<img300*0:stuff/aj/88645/1363488739.jpg>

24. The boys Alex was living with and loves like brothers Jake (bigger one) and Isaac (smaller one) <img300*0:>

25. Yuki and Haniko's mother Numori.<img300*0:>

26.Isabella,Heather, Min Rin

Races: Deamon, Zombie, Zombie.



28: Logan

29: Heather (Leila's caregiver)

Daycare npcs.

Hana the care taker: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360290809.png>

Momo:!: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360289175.jpg>

Sean: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1360299548.jpg>

Alamar: <img300*0:stuff/aj/190343/1360290011.jpg>

Fuyu: <img:stuff/aj/190343/1360289971.jpg>


Return->Undead Zoo!

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2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I trust you." ^-^

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: ^///^ *opens door for her*

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *steps through, but pauses* "...Is something wrong? Your face is flushed..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Oh really? Umm maybe its the lighting...

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *glances around* "...If so it must be only one light bulb. Everybody else's faces appear to be their normal skin tone."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: >///> Ummm lets et your custard and my torte~ *hiding for the line*

Soron: not very smooth huh?

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Sounds wonderful~"

Jace: "Not that she notices." e___e

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: ^//^ Hi Edda!

Edda: Oh Hi David,...oh are you..on a date?

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blinks* "A date? I don't think so...So far this experience has been quite enjoyable and I haven't felt the desire to either abruptly leave in the middle of a conversation or go into hiding from an obsessive caller." *turns to David curiously* "Have you?"

Jace: *twitches and turns to Soron* "What have ya been tellin' her?"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: Soron: TTvTT I'm so proud~

David: 0////o that isn't a date....

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "It isn't? That's how Soron says his always go..."

Jace: "You're pathetic." e___e

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Your supposed to enjoy dates....he must have been on some bad ones. :/

Soron: >:0 hey it's not me! they're psychos!

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh...Well this has been most enjoyable so far...But my work is too and that's not a date...Is this a date?" *blinks*

Jace: *facepalms* "Ya screwed up her ideas of datin'..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Umm... well most the time, people start dating to see if they are compatible... the more enjoyable the time they spend together is the more compatible they are said to be.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Yes, I understand that's supposed to be the basic concept--although Soron has implied that it's a flawed strategy--but is this a date?" :o

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: 0////0 uhhh...ummm well... I guess most everybody would it is...

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Then it is a date? I suppose I have better luck then Soron in that regard..." *gives him a concerned look* "Are you alright? You're face is flushed, again, and it wasn't a moment before. I don't think it's the light bulbs..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Oh... I most be blushing... >////< or something..

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *places hands on either cheek* "...Yes, it appears that blood flow has directed towards your cheeks to generate an increased temperature and flushing. But it isn't warm in here and you don't seem angry..." *gives him a searching look while still holding his face in her hands* "...You haven't acted as though you were ill, either...Then again, we did just come from the pool..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: >////////////////////////////////////> ummm...aren't there other reasons for people to blush.

Edda: *getting Custard and tortes on a plate while watching in amusement*

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Um...Embarrassment and arousal? ...............................Oh, dear." *lets go of his face and takes three steps back* "Whichever one it was, I'm terribly sorry."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: It-it's quite alright... I'm having fun so it's fine.

Edda: Heres your food~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Thank you." *takes the plate with her custard before smiling unsurely at David*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: *takes his plate* ^-^ I'm fine.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Alright." *takes two steps closer to him, but still stays the one step apart*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: ^-^' your not going to break me or anything... *starts going for a stable*

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *follows him* "Are you sure? I don't want to embarrass you or....cause an uncomfortable situation."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: positive~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Ok...."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: *sets food down at small table*

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *sits down and waits for him to do the same*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David:* sets down* some night, they actually get special candles that light a certain color... I wonder if they'll do that tonight.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, that sounds wonderful~ I already love the abundance of colors in the garden..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: it really is something to see~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I look forward to it~"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: I'll be sure to find out when it happens next if it's not tonight~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Would that be our second date, then?"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: 0v0 okay~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *giggles at his expression*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Hmmm? what's so funny? 0v0

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I don't think I've ever seen that expression suits you quite nicely~"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Oh, I'm just rather happy...

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Because of the colored lights?"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: that and that we'll have a second date! ^///^

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *blinks, then smiles* "Well, this has been fun, so why not? Oh!" *notices his blush* "I'm sorry, did I embarrass you?"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: Nope! I'm happy not embarrassed!

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh...I didn't even consider that..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: consider what?

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "That happiness could cause flushed cheeks."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: oh.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *takes a bite of custard*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: look like you got your egg custard.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Mm~ It seems like Edda knew what we wanted without asking..."

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: she's a good cook

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Indeed she is~" ^-^

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: *tries some of his torte* no, actually she's a great cook!

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "A spectacular cook~" *eats some more custard*

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: oooh~ yep that fits her best.

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: ^-^

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: oh want to try one of the tortes?

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Ok. Do you want to try some of my custard?"

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: okay trade~ *takes one torte and places it on her plate then gets one custard*

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: *takes a bite of torte* "Mmm~" ^-^

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: David: *takes a bite of custard* yummy~

2013-11-10 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I see why you like it so much~"

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: David: this perfection~ but I think I have a new second favorite.

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I think I do, too~" ^-^

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: David: I'm glade~ ^_^

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...Huh."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: what?

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Pup was right 'bout food. It's the way ta people's hearts."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: can't be serious....only some food has chemicals that increase your sexual drive, like strawberries....but I don't think torts and custards are on the list.

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: e_____e "I said 'ta people's hearts'. Not 'ta people's groins'."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: that makes even less sense then. e____e

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "It makes more sense then ya do." =____=

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: e__________e nehh *sticks out tongue*

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Really? Aren't ya supposed ta be a genius or somethin'? An' /that's/ your comeback."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: I'm not the genius, besides I don't want to waste my brain on half witted insults

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Half-wit is better then ya came up with..."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: e_____e butt breath...happy?

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "No I'm not. That doesn't even have anythin' ta do with what we were talkin' 'bout!" >:/ "Ya kinda suck at this."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: your a dog...dugs lick their butt ....see it makes sense.

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Imma wolf."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: meh, that hardly makes a difference

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: e________e

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: <img:44166_1164218141.gif>

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "....Alright, fine. It's a start."

2013-11-11 [Kbird]: Soron: ......I'm hungry,...feed me.

2013-11-11 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Excuse you. One, that's not how ya ask for food. Two, do I look like a drive-through?" >:/ "...." *sighs and takes out some jerky* "Ya want rabbit, goat, or deer?"

2013-11-12 [Kbird]: Soron: ^_^ goat!

2013-11-12 [ancienteye]: Jace: *hands him goat jerky while muttering* "How'd ya even know I'd have this?" e__e

2013-11-13 [ancienteye]: ???

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: I woke up today sinkin' like the stones that you have thrown
Wounded by the same ole shots you take
It's easier to kick me when I'm low

And I just thought that you should know
I've been holding on while you've been letting go
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry but that's not what I meant to say

I'm strong enough to say
That I don't wanna take the high road now
So typical of you to walk away
When your perfect little world is burning down

And I just thought that you should know
I've been holding on while you've been letting go, can I be so bold?
'Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry, but that's not what I meant to say

What I really meant to say with every little breath I take
I'm not the only one who makes mistakes
Just think of all the ones you've made

And I just thought that you should know
I've been holding on while you've been letting go, can I be so bold?
'Cause all this sucking up to you is just getting old
Well, it's not too late to say it right this time
'Cause I know I said I'm sorry, but that's not what I meant to say

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: I almost thought I knew this song, but I don't...

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: I might have put it up before.....but it soooo made me think of Edgar! XP

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: XD I just realized, the thread we had of Yue and David's first date on this comments page was totally abandoned!

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: O.o it I feel bad

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: They never finished their first date. TT__TT Even with Soron and Jace snooping around and following them...

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: why are Yue and I the only forgotten ones?!!

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: I don't know! Soron never answered Jace's question and since they were watching after you guys, it all sort of dropped off the radar!

Yue: *blinks* "They were watching us?"

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: >.> yeah....I found out when we where in the garden...

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh? Why were they following us?" :o

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: I think soron why trying to make sure I didn't do any bad...

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, that's just silly~ Why would you do anything bad?" ^-^

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: I don't know? He thought i would though...

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "......Did Jace think I was going to do something bad?" ._.

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: no I think he was just wanting to watch Soron and make sure he didn't do anything..

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: *chirping giggle* "What on earth would Soron do? You weren't going to hurt me, and he's not about to attack people for no reason~" ^-^

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: <:0 I don't know... those two are just overly suspicious I guess.

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "It sure sounds that way..."

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: but it was still fun!" =D

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, it was amazing~ Everything was so pretty and the colors were breathtaking and even the swimming was fun~" ^-^

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: isn't it~?! you a quick learner~ :D

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, thank you~" ^////^

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: =\\D you're face is red this time~

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, really?" o///o "I know I was feeling extremely flattered..."

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: it cute on you. ^\\\^

Good night.

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh, thank you~" *blush intensifies*


2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\\^ your welcome~

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: ^/////////^ "The flush of color on your features could be considered quite attractive, as well~"

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: o///////////////o oh thanks..

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "You're welcome~" ^/////^

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: Soron: guys shouldn't blush so easily though...

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Hm? Did you say something, Soron?"

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: Soron: oh no!

David: -_- guys can blush..

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: *to David* "Well, I would assume so since their outer dermis is no thicker than the females of the species and the arteries and bloodflow of two equally healthy humans should be about the same regardless of gender." :o

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: o.o well yes, but some people think females are more likely to blush out of embarrassment.

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Really? I've never heard of that..." *makes a mental note to read a book on the subject*

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: its not true, its just a way for guys to feel more manly. :/

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Oh. Well what's the point of that?" :/

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: don't know...I think it comes from back when women where just getting power, man need a way to still feel more supirrior over woman. So they come up with several false things.

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: *nods* "That makes sense~ Like how after the first World War, they switched the colors representing male and female because women were growing financially and psychologically independent while the men were at war. It was a power play."

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: .....I didn't know about that...that's super ancient history. ^_^"

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Earthly history is full of the balance of power being challenged and altered at multiple points for multiple reasons. A lot of it seems quite silly." :/

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: isn't fighting and war always silly, or stupid: :/

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Not to the soldiers." :o "I'm just talking about the political sources."

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: *sigh* that's true... I hate how most people are so willing to let people die for the their personal goal.

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Unfortunately, societies tend to run that way." :/

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: I'm sure eventually people will learn. ^_^

2014-02-04 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Well, it seems like a lot of time has passed without them figuring it out..."

2014-02-04 [Kbird]: David: true...but..people get smarter and learn from mistakes.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Yes, but that doesn't mean the next generation of them do." :o

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif> I'll still have hope! Besides, if people take time to touch the new generation it won't be a problem!

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: !! *tries to use her sleeve to wipe David's tears* "Oh, don't cry!" <:/

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: err...s-sorry. •\\\•'

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *thinks that his flushed face is from the tears, since some people turn red when they cry*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\^ I'm good now, thanks.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Good~" ^-^

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: it just bothers me, thinking about how there might always be wars...

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I'm so sorry for bringing it up..." <:/

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David; oh no! It understandable that it was brought up.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Yes, but it upset you..."

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: don't worry about, Yue.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *still looks a little worried*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: <:D Yue, a lot of things are upsetting but not talking about isn't going to make it go away. I don't mind.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...Oh. Ok. I don't like making you cry, though..."

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: *kisses her forehead* I told you, its fine.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *looks at him with a confused expression* "David...My lips are down here." *points to her mouth*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: >/////////> I know....

(Note: he'll probably kiss her forhead a lot when she upset or depressed. Its something his father used to do to his mother a lot and is a subconcious memory)

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Aw~ ^-^

Yue: *blinks in confusion* "Then why did you kiss my forehead, instead?"

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: didn't it make you feel more better? <:0

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "...I think it did." :o *looks surprised*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\^ good!

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I'm not sure why, though..."

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: maybe because it was a loving kiss? •\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\•

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "I guess whatever the reason is, it's more psychological than chemical, huh?" ^-^

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: maybe....or you brain relates it to something..that's comforting.

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *giggles* "That's sort of what psychological means~" ^-^

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: Oooops I read that wrong, I totally read that physicalological..which if my brain wasn't assulted my michel buckmen...would make no sense

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: probably. ^\\^

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *hesitates for a moment before reaching up and putting one hand on each side of his head to pulling him down a little and kiss him on the forehead*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: 0///////0 ....^\\\\\\\\^ thanks..

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Welcome~" ^-^ "And thank you for doing it, earlier."

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\\^ mind if I kiss you on the lips?

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: "Of course I don't mind!" :o

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\\\\\\^ *bends down to kiss her*

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: *kisses him back*

2014-02-05 [Kbird]: David: ^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^

2014-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yue: ^-^

2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Why was Rose's picture changed?

2016-08-13 [Kbird]: She looked to young compared to everyone else

2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ah, well this new one is pretty cute.

2016-08-13 [Kbird]: As soon as I saw it I knew it was the one.

2016-08-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Awesomesauce.

2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: I like Leila's caregiver.

2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Her picture was actually pretty hard to find.

2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Really?

2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Yeah, the just kept showing me young girls with gray or white hair or girls with glasses even though I typed "anime old woman"

2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Kindle doesn't support Google, all the pictures are small and if I click on one it tries to redirect me.

2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Wow, kindle is horrible.

2016-08-19 [Kbird]: Yeah...they have their ups...but mostly downs. Older kindle and some newer ones are better.

2016-08-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: I have a tablet, biggest problem with it, it doesn't have much storage space.

2016-08-19 [Kbird]: That's mines problem, and just the back ground system stuff alone takes up half the storage space, and there is no way to get more.

2016-08-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Tablet's have SD card slots so you can get an SD card and move the apps to it instead of having them on the tablet's storage they go to the SD card. Not sure if a Kindle is the same.

2016-08-22 [Kbird]: Mine doesn't, it is one of the Main complaints of this particular one.

2016-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: That seriously sucks, I'm sorry.

2016-08-23 [Kbird]: Eh, it's okay. My mom was talking about giving me her nook when she gets a new one.

2016-08-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool.

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